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5 Problems Transgender Face

5 Problems Transgender Face

We want to point out some really important issues within the trans community, and basically, we want to talk about the harsh reality of being transgender. Basically, once you have transitioned into this man or woman you were meant to be. Life is glamorous, and it’s so happy once you get to this point and getting there is no problem.

Forced feminization is a very sensitive topic yet the very popular and hot topic of recent times. Unfortunately, that is not always the case, and some trans people have to suffer a lot more than others. So we basically wanted to make this video to discuss the real issues of being transgender and just discuss the struggle we have to go through every day. It takes a lot of bravery to be transgender and to go through your transition. So let’s jump into some of the key topics and issues of being trans. Gender identity we can’t make anyone understand what it’s like to wake up in the wrong body.

5 Problems Transgender Face

  1. Passability the influences of “passing” from a society standpoint is really unethical, and it’s so depressing, and it’s just so discouraging with someone’s decides to transition, and they feel like they can’t “pass” or be viewed as the gender. They’re supposed to be. Because the outside society world says, you don’t fit this criterion. It is so discouraging any fellow trans people out there, please do not let negative influences you determine your transition.
    Please do not! Because it really breaks my heart when a trans person comes to me for advice, is like, “I don’t look like my authentic… gender because of what someone said or because of how society views me.” “I can’t transition” regardless of the stereotype of passibility everyone transitions differently be happy you are in the day of age where you can transition and even though society is still closed minded.
  2. Healthcare we think should be the biggest issue in the trans community and LGBT community in general. Being transgender specifically and having the right health insurance for you to undergo your transition is very rare and it’s very difficult to obtain at least here in the United States.
    For one, you have to go to a specific hormone doctor who is called an endocrinologist, and not all endocrinologist have experience with transgender people so they can technically provide you with the hormones but they don’t necessarily know what to prescribe and the amount to prescribe. For a trans person to smoothly transition and for the hormones to adapt naturally in their body.
  3. If you’re not one of those lucky trans people who live in a metropolitan area, then finding this doctor can be really difficult and it’s a lot of struggle, and there needs to be more awareness of the community and especially more awareness of the struggle to get health care coverage for trans people. So it is easier for us to obtain the certain coverage so we can smoothly undergo our transition. For someone who is not transgender, you will not ever understand this. So we can only explain it to some extent for you to sympathize with us but waking up to a body that does not match your mind is very difficult.
  4. The depression and the self-doubt a trans person has to go through every day when they wake up, and they realize they are not in the right body along with a gender identity you know there is a high suicide rate because not a lot of people admit that they are trans or they are too scared to undergo a transition. So they commit suicide, and the percentage of suicides in teen trans is unacceptable, it’s way too high and we feel like if we bring awareness to the community and if society starts viewing us as regular people trans people will not be as afraid to come out, and the suicide rate eventually will drop, and that is what needs to happen.
  5. We feel if there are more LGBT clinics or if there are more resources for Trans people to get the health coverage they need, there won’t be this issue and there won’t be this huge anxiety of trans people thinking that “I can’t get coverage.” “How am I supposed to get coverage?” “When can I start my transition?” So really we think health care is a big issue and we need to change our health care coverage. So Trans people can transition a lot more smooth hormones, in our opinion hormones, make any transitions a lot easier it is another step, it is that next step is that you are on no hormones we are fully on testosterone.

Transfemme discussed transgender foremost issues with the many experts that are fully aware of the arising issues of transgender. Male to female feminization is possible now by using pills and creams.

Side Effects of being a Transgender

These were the 5 problems transgender face in their life, and these all are based on the reality of the world. This is how a Transgender is born, how my hormones are developing in my body is from a natural born male. And we will say it’s being on estrogen is so much easier. When you are on hormones, it is 100% better, and the quality of life is 100% better being one hormone than being off hormones. We will say that so. It’s a true struggle when you are a trans person like myself, and you can’t get the hormones in time, and you can’t get the hormones because of health coverage issues even if you live in a big city as we do, there is still such a huge issue with the health care system and being trans you can’t advocate that or can’t stress that enough.

  • However, there is a lot of side effects of hormones. There’s a lot of mood swings every person you know like we keep saying will differ from these effects it is a drastic change, these changes are not what you’re used to but ultimately they will be better in the long run because you will feel at your authentic self-coming out coming out of, transgender coming out.
  • In general, whether you’re, you identify as… coming out a transgender is one of the hardest experiences a trans person has to endure the self-doubt you have to go through the what if that goes through your mind will my friend accept me? Will my family abandon me? How are people going to view me? It is so hard, we can’t even describe really in words of how hard and how stressful it is for a Trans person to come out a lot of trans people’s lose friends and lose family. It is so unfortunate that trans people can lose someone they think is so close to them and for those close people just to walk away from them because they come out that they are It happens every day. It is not okay at the end of the day we are human if that is your family, accept your family for who they are!
  • Everyone wants to feel true to themselves. There is a lot of negative influence in the world, but you will be happier in the end if you come out do not get discouraged of coming out and be your true self because you deserve to do this. You deserve to be happy.


Okay, so we want to wrap this article up. We hope we touched some key topics that you ‘all were interested in hearing and for my fellow Trans people, we hope I brought in the light of real trans issues that we have to face every day.
In short, life, in general, is not easy it’s a struggle to live, life is a struggle but being transgender just makes it that much harder never forget where you come from, never forget your past live life to the fullest and be your authentic self. Be as happy as you can be because life is too short. So we hope you enjoy that article, please share this article we need to bring more awareness to our community.