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Armand Peri – The Man Who Changed Clubbing For Good

Armand Peri – The Man Who Changed Clubbing For Good

Today, we are going to talk about one of the greatest figures in the clubbing entrepreneurship’s history, and that is Armand Peri. Most of you have probably heard of this guy while there are certainly people still not sure who he is. And we can define him in few words – he is a multitalented figure always thriving for success by using his creativity and wittiness.

He was born in Portugal in 1965, but at 12 years already he leaves for the USA and becomes a USA citizen. Very soon after, he started being interested in and doing arts, and five years later he went on to win the National Art Competition and meet the President and the First Lady in person! This gave him a huge boost to continue and try to make his way out in the world. In those years he wasn’t standing too good financially, but very soon he started doing jobs that would let him improve his condition.

The Bodybuilding Career

He was already invested in art, and that was one of his passions, but along with that, his main goal was to show people that you can turn a body of a slim guy into a bodybuilder that everyone would admire in a short period of time. And it happened – Armand Peri went on to work out in the gym for hours a day, giving sweat and blood to his goal of becoming a figure somewhat close to his idol Arnold Schwarzenegger. The first year for him was really successful – in that time he managed to add 25% of muscle mass (in comparison to his body weight). He continued pushing and in 1984 came his first NPC Bodybuilding Title for the New Jersey Suburban. This was just a beginning, and in the next 10 years he went on to win over ten more titles, always improving his knowledge and performance in the process.

He became advising young people on what to eat, and how to work out in order to have a body just like him – and he even got a role to star in being Al Pacino’s bodyguard in the movie Carlito’s Way.

His Artistic Experience

As we mentioned above, he won a National Competition being 17 years old and that online motivated him to continue pushing and express his creativity to everyone around him. Very soon after, he enrolled in college and started focusing on architecture instead which would later prove to be a good choice as now he is one of the best real estate investors out there.

It just seems like he combined all his experience and traits in different branches only to come up with the idea that finally made him famous and one of the people that were most successful at the time.

The Idea That Propelled Him

Armand Peri was feeling like the clubbing sector had few flaws and space to improve – and thus in 1998 he went on and invested in a show idea for women the Hunk-O-Mania. Unlike many clubs all over the world, this one had the goal of entertaining women especially as multiple body-toned men were dancing and performing for them. This quickly became a hit, and in a matter of years, Armand Peri was opening clubs all over the globe – as a CEO and executive producer. No one expected that this idea could have such a huge impact on the clubbing atmosphere then and nowadays it is still one the most admirable ones.

Armand Peri Nowadays

As you can see, Armand Peri had a dynamic first 40 years of his life, but after he came up with the Hunk-O-Mania show, everything started being in its place and now he can finally invest more time for him and his family. He is still in the business though and gives amazing motivational speeches throughout different events. Along with that, his main branch now is the real estate (which he was always interested in), and he continues investing in the young companies that seem to bring innovative and world-changing ideas.


He is just one of the proofs that if you are willful and strong enough, everything can be achieved. He never gave up although there were times where everything didn’t go as planned, and now he can proudly say he is one of the people that changed the modern world!