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Barber Communication 101: How to Get the Haircut You Really Want

Barber Communication 101: How To Get The Haircut You Really Want

The haircut that you want is the product of excellent communication between you and your barber. When you are not satisfied with your haircut, the problem is in the poor communication and lack of friendship with your hairdresser, on the other hand, if you have a great relationship you will be most likely getting best men’s haircuts.

Key for good haircut is do not be just barber’s customer, be his friend as well, and you will get the stunning and perfect trim. In the text below you can read about top 5 useful tips on how to improve relationship and communication with your barber.

1. Find The Right Photo

Before you go at the barbershop, you need to find on the Internet or in the fashion magazine the precise photo of the haircut you want to have. If you do not know where to look for the picture, ask for them in the saloon. The crucial for this tip is that you must find a photo that suits your facial features and personality.

When you find that perfect picture you must show your barber which part you want to copy from that hairstyle. The haircut is not free, for your money, you deserve to be happy, so do not be shy and speak to your hairdresser.

2. Be Specific About What You Want

Barber must visualize what you have in mind so be specific and give him clear instructions. Remember, the hair stylist cannot read your mind. You can use your hands and show him where need more trimming on the head. Never say “Just take a little off” and “Just a trim” because your little and barber’s little is not the same. You must be on the same communication page. You can learn and use hairdressing terminology like fade, thin, layered and buzz to explain what you want with your hair.

3. Describe The Length

This is the issue you need to know before you even step in the barbershop. The better you describe and show the length to your barber you will be more satisfied with the final result. You will end up with the shorter version if you do not tell your hairdresser what you want. You must ask yourself a question of how long or short I want the top and sides? The most common size is 2 clippers on the sides because it is not too short and this haircut lasts for a month. Put an effort and be as specific as possible about the desired length.

4. Show Exactly How You Style Your Hair

It is very useful to show your barber how your hair looks on a typical day, and what products you use because he can explain you the possibilities and limitations you will face based on that haircut. You can learn about different kinds of haircuts and their names because if you say your barbers, give me Haircut A, he will have precise directions, and you will be happy with the final result.

5. Defer To Your Barber

This is a useful advanced tip when you already have some major knowledge about haircuts. Do not be shy, and ask your barber for the suggestion and trust his experience. You must be in a friendly mood with him, and he will positively respond to that. That is the way how to build a healthy and good relationship with your stylist and one step closer to a beautiful haircut. Be open for barber’s opinion because he is an expert.

Bonus Tips: Barbershop Etiquette & How To Reach “Friend” Status

  • Show up early for an appointment.

In every business, it is highly appreciated when you come early for your appointment because you do not want to move barber’s schedule.

  • Tip well if you had to reschedule.

Just leave a big tip in this case because you will show that you appreciate his job.

  • Be polite.

This is the rule number one of the communication.

  • Enjoy a good conversation.

With small talk, smiles, and harmless jokes you will develop a bond with your barber, and that is crucial for a good haircut.

  • Also, Remember…

For every great haircut, you need good, specific hair products and you can talk about that with your barber.