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Celebrities who aren’t nice to their fans

Celebrities Who Aren’t Nice To Their Fans

It is hard to please everyone, especially if you are a celebrity with millions of followers. But that doesn’t mean that, if you don’t want to deal with the drama of meeting the fans, you should be mean to them. Here is a list of celebrities who did such a thing during their time of fame.


“My co-worker won free tickets and backstage passes to see Rihanna about a year after they were first playing ‘Umbrella’ on the radio,” a former fan shared with Thought Catalog. “When her kids finally got the chance to go meet Rihanna, she was sitting at her makeup booth and refused to face them, or even look at them. When they asked for her autograph, she told the closest backup dancer to forge it for them and shooed them away.” She even made fun of a teenager who wore a Wile E. Coyote-inspired costume Rihanna wore to an award show a couple of years earlier.

Christian Bale

His anger problem is a known thing. Bale reprimanded little girls to tears after they’d requested him for an autograph, and on a different time, Bale faxed a fan an detailed death threat including a screwdriver.

Michael Jordan

According to Chamillionaire’s discussion with the Madd Hatta Morning Show in 2015, the rapper purchased a Jordan jersey at a charity event for $15,000, however when he requested for a photo with Jordan, Jordan said, “I don’t take pictures with n****’s” and told Chamillionaire to pay him $15k as a swap for a photo. Chamillionaire rejected.

Justin Bieber

He supposedly spit on fans from a balcony in Toronto, Canada, mooned others at historic Mayan ruins in Mexico, and dishonored an Argentinian flag given to him by a fan. In 2016, he published on Instagram that he was no more going to take pictures with fans because he “feels like a zoo animal,” continuing, “I realize people will be disappointed but I don’t owe anybody a picture.”

Rachel Ray

Audience members at her shows have criticized her because of her attitude, the waitstaff has attacked her of being a poor customer, and throughout one of her tours, Ray supposedly had a fight with a hotel concierge, saying, “I need stupid people not to talk to me.”

Gene Simmons

Simmons shared with Songfacts, “I’m the guy who says ‘Jump!’ when there’s a guy on top of a building who says, ‘That’s it, I can’t take it anymore, I’m going to jump. Are you kidding? Why are you announcing it? Shut the f**k up, have some dignity and jump! You’ve got the crowd.” Various radio channels ceased to play his music after what he said.

Dan Akroyd

It’s testified that Aykroyd typically circles himself with “goons,” and requires special treatment at restaurants and movie theaters. In 2004, MSNBC saw Aykroyd scolding Americans for “consumerism” at a promotional appearance for his holiday movie, Christmas With the Kranks. According to the news network, the actor said, “the common enemy in North America is the Western consumer,” who he condemned for “these wars.”

Ariana Grande

“I hate Americans. I hate America,” said Ariana in 2015 in a doughnut shop. She also licked delicacies she didn’t purchase.

Bruce Willis

According to a report on MeanStars, Willis supposedly abused a couple of kids in a mall food court for identifying him and pointing him out.

Cameron Diaz

Witnesses told Radar Online that the actress was not interested in the fans at a fan premiere of Sex Tape (2014), “It’s not like the fans were following them at a hotel or restaurant, it was a film premiere with fans,” the insider said. “When Cameron was spotted, she…refused the fans [photos and autographs] telling them, ‘If I did it for you, I’d have to do it for everyone,’ before storming off.” The source noted that even if she “did it for everyone,” it probably wouldn’t have taken long. “Cameron was as unfriendly as can be and it was really disappointing…There were literally only four of five fans waiting and asking for them when they left. It was not a huge crowd and would have taken less time for them to sign an autograph or take a picture rather than giving a lecture about not doing it.”

Jason Segel

“When a 20-something fan asked Jason for a photo as he left the premiere he said, ‘no’ and literally slammed the car door right in the fan’s face,” an insider said. “People gasped, that’s how bad it was…Jason was downright nasty to his fans.”

Martha Stewart

“After waiting in line, my mother was refused an extra autograph and she also wouldn’t make out the one promised autograph to anyone but the person who was getting it,” a fan declared through Reddit. “Even after explaining it was for her son, Martha refused. I could maybe understand if it was after signing 5,000 autographs or even 500, but it was a small event…At the very end of the event as people are leaving Martha Stewart was overheard talking to her mother who happened to be with her,” the fan added. When Stewart’s mother asked what to do with floral organizations at the event, Stewart supposedly answered, “We take them or throw them out, these common people don’t deserve them, far too expensive and they wouldn’t appreciate their beauty.”

Another Reddit insider states Stewart previously told a fan, “Unless you can magically make coffee appear, get out of my face.”

Billy Corgan

“He came into a club I worked in when he was on tour,” the fan shared on Reddit. “I was a huge fan and I told him so. He said my opinion was ‘f***ing bulls***’ and to ‘f*** off.'” Another fan on Reddit insists Corgan spit in his face.

Kate Winslet

“[Winslet was] so rude, she never once acknowledged any of us, I was devastated,” local citizen Shanna Swan reported to OK!. “She gave dirty looks to people in my town who waited hours to see her.”

William Shatner

One Redditor had the unlucky experience of dealing with actor William Shatner more than on one occasion, and every time was likewise bad. “I’ve dealt with him on film projects, at comic conventions, and on a sponsorship deal, and he’s universally a d**k to everyone. Making volunteers cry, telling fans to pose a certain way or he won’t take their picture, refusing to say even a word to people who paid $100 for an autograph,” the source said. “Just this weekend he was wicked drunk at a convention in San Jose and humiliated a bunch of volunteers.”

Britney Spears

One thwarted fan told OK!, “Fans were told before the meet-and-greet that they were not to hug or touch Britney without her permission and they weren’t allowed to bring her any gifts. And then once they finally got to meet her it was like smile, take a photo, goodbye. Each person literally got like three seconds with her. She barely spoke.”

Mike Myers

“Prior to paying our tab, I walked over [to Myers] and said, ‘Hey Mike, I’m a big fan, can I buy you a beer?'” the fan shared with Mean Stars. “And without even turning to look at me, he says, “I can afford my own drinks a**hole, save your money for my next movie.'”

Jamie Foxx

“Several years ago, when Stealth [2005] was coming out, they held the premiere at the Naval Air Station in San Diego. They gave a few tickets to the event to the ships that were in port at the time and I was lucky enough to get a pair. Before the showing of the movie, everyone was mingling around and socializing. Jessica Biel, Josh Lucas, the director, producers, and everyone else involved in the picture were very gracious and friendly. Everyone, that is, except Jamie Foxx, who sat in his seat the entire time with his sunglasses on and didn’t want to be bothered…He could’ve shook some hands and been cordial, but he didn’t,” said one Redditor.

Scarlett Johansson

“I had just seen a play on Broadway starring Scarlett Johansson, and I was waiting by the stage exit after the play, along with at least fifteen other people, for autographs,” a fan alleged on Reddit. “It was February in NYC, snowing hard, we were all freezing. Each one of her co-stars came out and signed..Scarlett was the very last to exit and she completely ignored everybody. I was younger and it completely crushed me, she was my favorite celebrity and this was my only chance to ever see her. Pretty much everyone who waited 45+ minutes beside me had the same sentiments.”


One Reddit bystander saw Madonna write “f**k you” rather than signing an autograph for a fan. That presumably wasn’t the only scandal. The Daily Mail states that Madonna scolded fans for having the nerve to be upset that she came more than an hour late for a Manchester, England, concert in December 2015, telling the crowd, “All you b****es who keep complaining about it can shut the f**k up…If you diva b****es want to keep complaining about it don’t come to my show.”

Jared Leto

“The band was autographing things after the show, so I waited in line. They all talked amongst themselves as they absentmindedly signed autographs,” an unfortunate fan told Thought Catalog. “When I got to Jared Leto, I said, ‘Hey, that was a great show!’ He responded, ‘I signed your s**t, now f**k off!'”

Laurence Fishburne

As stated by one Mean Stars anecdote from the set of Mystic River, “When I was 16 or 17, my friend and I got to visit the set of Mystic River…We met all of the lead actors except for Laurence Fishburne, and the assistant went to find him. She discovered that he was in a trailer nearby, so she brought us over to the trailer and knocked on the door,” the fan states. When the assistant told Fishburne there were some high school pupils who’d like to meet him, his response was, “‘Tell ’em to go f**k themselves.'”

Sandra Bullock

An insider shared with Star that Bullock went berserk at a fan when he requested her to sign something. “Sandra was so rude. She covered her face and yelled,” the observer said. “He just wanted an autograph, and she actually yelled at him!”

Val Kilmer

“Val Kilmer was filming a show in my hood. A small handful of us were looking on at the set at like 2 a.m. just out of curiosity. No shouting, no heckling, just folks not used to Hollywood being in town,” a fan shared on Reddit. “Val takes it upon himself to walk over, ask us, ‘Don’t you people have anything better to do? Isn’t there a bar open somewhere?’ and walks back to the set.”

Kristin Cavallari

A spectator told Star magazine that a fan told Cavallari at an event, “I love you so much. Can you sign something for me?” She supposedly replied by ridiculing the fan behind her back.

Adam Levine

A fan told Reddit that the Maroon 5 frontman is picky about who is and is not deserving of his autograph. “I was with one of my girlfriends. She was so excited to get [Adam Levine’s] autograph,” the fan stated. “After asking for it, he said, ‘I don’t give autographs to ugly chicks.'”

Robert Pattison

“What’s really weird about Twilight fans is that they’re not really teenagers. Most of them are older,” he told Interview magazine. “Twilight has its own fan culture that existed from day one. And in an intense way that didn’t exist before. Sometimes I ask myself what these masses of people do the whole day. They sit in front of their computers and comment on anything having even remotely to do with Twilight.”

Megan Fox

Megan Fox refused an 11-year-old Harvey Kindlon’s yellow rose at the Transformers premiere in 2009. This earned her a status as a real soul-crusher. She later apologized on TV but never met with the kid.

Will Ferrell

An insider said, “He mocks people, taunts and embarrasses them when they ask for autographs.’’

Lea Michelle

Before Hailee Steinfeld was a pop star and an Oscar nominee for True Grit, she was a crushed fan of Glee crooner Lea Michele. Steinfeld revealed to J-14, “When I was auditioning for True Grit, I was on the Paramount lot. I was wearing clothes from the 1800s that were big and uncomfortable. Glee also films on the lot and I love the show, but I haven’t really followed it. I saw Lea Michele just walking to her trailer and I was like, ‘That’s the girl from Glee. I’ve got to go ask for her autograph!’ So I walked up to her and asked for her autograph, but she walked by and a guy came and said, ‘Sorry, now’s not a good time!’ So I had to walk all the way back to the car wearing what I was wearing. I was practically crying on the way home. I was so sad!”

Toby Keith

A source told Reddit, “He was doing a USO tour, and came through Iraq. We had a ‘DV (Distinguished Visitor)’ tent set up, and after his show, some of the guys I worked with wanted to see him. He was in there about six hours or so before his flight, and they asked the guards who were outside his tent if they could meet him. They heard his response clearly from the inside, ‘Tell the airmen they can take a picture of me when they take my bags to the plane.’…He could have made that deployment a thousand times better for them, but instead, it just made them feel worse.”

Tommy Lee

In an open letter shared on the Motley Crue’s Facebook page in June 2012, Lee wrote that while he “f***ing loves” his fans, “what I have a problem with is…taking pictures! I hate it! Irritates the f**k out of me when people say…’You owe it to your fans, they put you where you are, etc. etc.!’ I certainly don’t owe anybody anything!” He continued, “I’m not here to take pictures with you, I’m here to entertain you! Nobody put me where I am but ME! They may have helped inspire me with their love for what I do…but I put myself right here where I want to be with a lot of hard work, practice, talent, luck, etc. What I do owe myself and others is being THE BEST I can be! And that’s making great music, being a good man, father, lover and human being! We all owe that kinda stuff to ourselves and each other…Most people never consider the ‘situation.'”

Lance Armstrong

“Back when he had just won his second Tour De France, my buddy took his 7-year-old brother to meet Lance at an event,” said one Redditor. “His brother had battled leukemia as a very young child and came out on top, and Lance was his biggest hero. The moment came and Lance was right next to them, so my friend went to introduce his brother and quickly share his story and he was met with, ‘Yeah whatever, I really don’t care’ before he could finish.”

Amy Schumer

In May 2016, she assaulted a fan on Instagram, and shared a photo of him, after she rejected to take a photograph with him while walking down the street. Schumer said, “This guy in front of his family just ran up next to me scared the s**t out of me. Put a camera in my face. I asked him to stop and he said, ‘No, it’s America and we paid for you.’ This was in front of his daughter. I was saying ‘stop’ and ‘no.’ Great message to your kid. Yes, legally you are allowed to take a picture of me. But I was asking you to stop and saying no. I will not take [pictures] with people anymore and it’s because of this dude in Greenville.” The fan’s account, which was supported by a video, showed something different. In his video, Schumer quietly says, “That’s rude. Can you delete that?” The fan then excuses. The fan told FOX Carolina that he instantly finished recording when Schumer requested. “I did it in a non-threatening way. She says I got all up in her face, and it was completely different from the video.”

A source shared with Page Six, “She’s always hated taking photos with fans, even before she had a TV show or a movie. She couldn’t be bothered then, and she can’t be bothered now.”