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Credit Card Generator

Credit Card Generator

Credit cards – Visa credit cards, MasterCard credit cards, Diner Club credit cards, JCB credit cards, etc. – are generally accepted as a means of payment for goods and services across the globe. This includes local and online shops. While this may seem convenient, it actually comes with some risks which is why every credit card must be validated before it is verified or accepted as a means of payment.

Notwithstanding, there are times when you just want to view a product, and the site requires you to input your credit card details to gain access. What do you do in such situations when you do not trust the authenticity of the website? Your guess is just as good as mine – use a valid generated credit card.

This would help shield you from financial frauds that comes with sharing your actual credit card details in an untrusted site

How do I generate a valid fake credit card number?

There are rules and regulations – the ISO/IEC 7812 numbering system and the Luhn algorithm –guiding the process of generating credit card numbers irrespective of the brand or type.

Every credit card number, whether fake or real, must be in compliance with the ISO/IEC 7812 numbering standard and the Luhn algorithm to be recognized as valid.

Due to these complex rules, it is advisable to employ a credit card generator which is designed to generate credit card numbers that are in compliance with existing principles.

How does it work?

Our credit card generator is designed to generate all types of credit card numbers. This tool is equipped with the ability to generate random credit card details based on existing principles.

According to these principles, every credit card number must contain a prefix which indicates the industry where it belongs to. Visa credit cards, for example, belongs to banking and finance industry as such all Visa credit card numbers must contain the prefix 4. The prefixes attached to credit card numbers can be generated from the Major Industry Identifier (MII). See table below.

After the major industry identifier comes the bank identification number (BIN) also known as issuers identification number (IIN). The BIN is a 6-digit long number which represents the industry or bank that issued the card. It is the first six digits – including the prefix – of every credit card numbers.

Following closely is a unique set of numbers which indicates the account number of the account holder. These numbers are unique as such can be used to generate information about the account holder.

And the last digit of every credit card is dubbed the checksum. This number is used to validate the account number. It ensures that no two account holders are holding the same account number. It is just as vital as any other digit in the credit card number.

A table showing the Major Industry Identifier of different industries.

MII Digit Category
0 ISO/TC 68 including other industry assignments
1 Airlines
2 Finance, Airlines, and other industry assignments
3 Entertainment and Travel
4 Banking/financial industry
5 Banking/financial industry
6 Merchandising and Banking and financial industry
7 Petroleum and related future industry assignment
8 Telecommunication, Healthcare and related future industry
9 Reserved for assignments issued by national standards bodies


Although these cards are valid, it is worthy to note that they hold no true value and as such cannot be used to initiate any transaction both online and offline. The details contained in these credit cards are completely random and cannot be traced back to you or anyone else.