In order for you to be safe, and for your house to valuable at all your roof has to be like brand new. The thing is roofs do get old, and now or then your roof will get damaged either by weather or by some other condition that will cause it to leak, or have missing shingles. Along with that damaged flashing can represent quite a problem.
Now, saying this repairing a roof isn’t that hard if you have the right knowledge, tools and time but there are still some situations where you are better of hiring a roofing contractor.
Anyways, with the leaky roof being one of the most common issues lets take a look at how to cope with the same, and what to do in other roof repair situations!
One would think it is easy to find where the leaking comes from, but on the contrary to water, the stain will be almost always away from the point which leaks. Leaking is usually caused either by missing shingles, damaged vents, or holes around the chimney as well as damaged flashing. That is why once you notice a water stain it is important to react immediately in order to prevent further problems like mold, destroyed insulation, etc.
Your best bet is to do the attic and look for the leaky spot using a flashlight – you should be aiming to find water stains, wood discoloration or simply touch the walls and look for the humid spots. Still, this might not be enough to find the leaky spot so you will have to use the water testing method. You will need a friend to help you with this one. Once it is dry and sunny, go to the top of your roof with a garden hose, and let your friend be in the attic with a flashlight and chalk. Turn on the water hose, and wait to see from where the water drips in the attic – once your friend can see the spot he should mark it with chalk or put a nail in.
Once you have found the spot conduct the roof repair by using polyethylene sheeting and covering the damaged section. If the hole is somewhat bigger use a piece of metal to cover and nail it in. Of course, there are some cases when you can’t do it on your own, and you should simply hire a service of a roofing agency.
Now, there are some situations like a damaged flashing or too many missing shingles when your best bet is to get a new roof. And roof replacement isn’t that hard either, but here it would be best if you asked for a roofing contractor to do it for you. One might ask well a new roof is quite an investment what do I get out of it?
When you decide to hire a roofing contractor, it is wise to search for the best one in your area according to the feedback and the price/quality of work ratio. For example, the new roof agency from Pocat llo, Idaho offers both the service of roof repair and roof replacement. The New Roof team comes as soon as possible after you call them in and does the work in a matter of hours. And the price that they offer for a new roof is pretty modest as well – from $90 a month for a brand new modern roof. Last, but not least the New Roof agency offers a 24/7 support so in case anything goes wrong after they did the work they will come and solve the problem.
No one likes standing up and holding a bucket to catch water leaking all day long, and that is why as soon as your roof is damaged you should either try and fix it yourself or call in a roofing agency. This remains your choice that mostly depends on the severity of a certain situation. Still, our recommendation especially when it comes to roof replacement is to hire a roofing contractor and stay trouble free!
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