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11 Things Your Hairdresser Really Wants You To Know

11 Things Your Hairdresser Really Wants You To Know

It’s hard out there for a hairdresser. They have to be talented, tactful, efficient, and up to date on the latest trends and techniques. They have to be able to create wearable art on people’s heads while discussing salacious celebrity gossip. I’m totally in awe of the people who do this job, and when I go in for a hair cut or color, I’m always wondering how I can make their job easier and walk out with the best possible results. With that in mind, I talked to as many hairdressers as I could find and asked them one question: What do you really want your clients to know? Here are their answers, in their own words …

1. Bring photos. “One thing that always sticks out in my mind is a class at beauty school where we all had a paper and pencil and the instructor described a hair style and we had to draw what we thought she was wanting. No two drawings were even close. If you have an exact idea of what you want your hair to look like, bring a picture. You can even bring in multiple pictures and say ‘these bangs,’ and ‘these layers,’ but if possible, choose photos of people whose hair is a similar texture as yours–the style will be much easier for us to recreate on you.

2. There is no such thing as a “wash and wear” haircut unless you don’t care what you look like. “The only people who can do that are people who don’t mind what their hair looks like when it air dries. There is no haircut or style that will air dry your hair perfectly nice and/or wavy. For every haircut and style out there, you must put the effort into learning to maintain it and taking the time to style it.”

3. Count the products we use on you. “You know how good your hair looks when you leave a salon? This is why. You would not believe how many people say they can’t get their hair to do anything and when I ask what products they use they say, ‘None.’ Let us know if you need help choosing the right products for your hair.”

4. Celebrity hair is styled. “It is always styled. No haircut on the planet is going to make your hair flow like Jennifer Aniston’s. Yes we can give you fabulous layers, yes we can angle your bob, but sorry I will not be in your bathroom every morning applying the heat it takes to get those locks glossy.”

5. Don’t change your color too drastically, too frequently. “Color touch-ups are okay every 6-12 weeks.  But a big color change like from blonde to dark, or blonde to red should be done 4-6 months after your last color service.  Your hair needs time to get healthy again in between each coloring.  If you want a different color change every 6-8 weeks, your hair will become damaged and less likely to take the color properly. Remember that your hair has limits–it doesn’t have nine lives!”

6. For updos, dirty hair isn’t always better. “Clean hair is sometimes better as it can be easier to work with. You can always give the hair a dirty or day-old look by using lots of good products as the updo is being put together, plus it’s nice to have clean hair for you special day.”

7. Don’t be afraid of bangs. “Some people believe they cannot pull them off, but bangs are actually a flattering and versatile look. Your stylist can tell you which type is best for you as there are many: long, short, angled, fringe. Bangs will always need proper styling and the right products to hold them in place, but a little work is totally worth it.”

8. For hair color appointments, come with clean and dry hair.  “If hair is clean, the color will absorb properly. If the hair is dirty, the color may not take as well. Colors are much more gentle now than they used to be, so dirty hair is more difficult for color to cut through.”

9. If your hairstylist tells you that your request is going to fry your hair, listen. “We are not being cutesy and trying to get out of a little hard work. It means your hair will not lay flat, it will not be shiny, and no one is going to envy what’s happening on your head. If you still want to proceed, budget to get a deep conditioner, because what you currently have will not be enough.”

10. Don’t blame us if we give you exactly what you asked for. “Hairstylists want to make people feel beautiful and happy. If you tell us to take you from golden blonde to a rich brown, don’t get mad at us when you realize you looked better blonde. We take pride in our work, especially when we nail the client’s request, and it’s hard when people don’t appreciate that.”

11. We can make you look fabulous, but we can’t work miracles. “As a hairdresser, there can be many pressures, and with all of the reality shows and makeover shows right now, people’s expectations are set higher than ever. A good hairdresser can help you to an extent, and a good hairstyle can make a big difference, but we can never give you a face lift, change your skin tone, or make you look 30 pounds skinnier (believe it or not, we get that request a lot!).”