I was on the subway yesterday, when a guy sitting next to me struck up conversation. He was cute enough and nice enough. I was enjoying our conversation. Across from us, a girl started to cry. Like hysterically weeping. Subway Guy leaned over to me.
“Excuse me,” he said, cutting me off in mid-sentence.
He stood up, fished around in his pocket, and pulled out some napkins. He walked straight over to the crying girl and handed them to her. This perfectly nice stranger became a super hot man in that split second. I was drooling for the rest of our ride together. Too bad he got off the train before I could get his number. But I don’t care, he left a huge impression. After the jump, some more of the little things guys do that impress the crap out of us.
What are some little things guys have done or could do to impressyou?
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