2018 was a fantastic time for lottery players; with jackpot history having been broken shattered numerous times in terms of both the monetary value of the jackpots and the number of occasions these jackpots have been won.
It’s been approximately two months since the record-breaking $1.6 billion Mega Millions main prize broke previous records as the biggest jackpot in history. The previous record of $1.5 billion was raised by the US Powerball lottery in 2017, with both of these incredible prizes claimed by American lottery players. Well-known global lottos like the Mega Millions, American Powerball, EuroMillions and plenty of other local lotteries have all had more improved prizes, and larger jackpots won over the past two years than any other time since the inception of these lotteries.
And this is why…
To put it simply, it all comes back to simple economics and competing for lotto services. Since there are plenty of assorted lottery games available, (more than 3,500 various lottos from across the globe), everyone is working to provide offers varied from competing lotto websites, and this typically includes larger jackpots, more prize tiers and better odds at walking away with a cash prize.
Over the last few years, significant global lottos such as the Mega Millions and Powerball have both lifted their jackpot caps, guaranteeing that the main prize rollovers of these lottos can reach up to a billion dollars, a situation that never happened a couple of years back.
Buying lottery tickets on the internet has worked in the players favour
Lotto ticket companies are getting more prominent each year, mainly since they give players the opportunity to purchase tickets for lotteries they could not play in their home country. The allure of having the chance to win multi-million dollar main prizes means that more and more online lottery ticket agents are popping up on the internet, each one offering something a little different from the others.
So remember; more and more people are playing the lottery, which has resulted in more lottery ticketing services popping up online, and more lottery companies mean better products and offers for the end lottery players.
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