When it comes to a casual hookup, it should come as no surprise that men and women think differently about it. This is because men and women respond to sex (in general) very differently. Of course, sex is an enjoyable experience, but there are some elements to it that affect women more than they do men. And because of this, women often are less open to casual hookups as compared to men.
A casual hookup to a man is just another opportunity for sex, and very few men in their right mind would turn down such an opportunity. The other thing is, men are less likely to regret having meaningless sex than women. For women, casual hookups may be fun at times, but this experience is something that sticks with them. They are more likely to later struggle with feelings of being cheap, easy and promiscuous. Women are more likely to have regret over a casual hookup, and that’s why most of them aren’t as open to casual hookups as men are. While gay men got hookups easily via Grindr. There are casual sites like Grindr for straight people as well. Men who are into this can try to find like-minded women on such platform to avoid an awkward situation.
A casual hookup is a win-win situation for men as they get to hang out with a hot woman, have sex with her, all while avoiding the lame relationship stuff like expensive jewelry or proper dates. For women, while the relationship may start purely sexual, they are more likely to develop feelings for their sexual partner than men.
It’s a risky venture for them as they may end up liking the man who has no interest in ever becoming more than a casual sex partner. Also, from an evolutionary perspective, casual sex presents certain risks for women, for e.g. pregnancy, so they often refuse casual hookups as they want to choose the right man to father her (hypothetical) children.
Casual hookups do work for some people. However, men tend to find casual hookups easier because they can keep having sexual relationships without tying in emotion. Women are different in this regard. They naturally tend to tie in romanticism with sexual interaction. The release of oxytocin that accompanies orgasm and erotic stimulation makes women feel affectionate and attached towards whoever they are sharing the intimate experience with. No matter how independent, confident, strong, and sexually aware a woman is, it is difficult for her to combat a base chemical reaction when it occurs. No amount of pre-arranged casual hookups and no strings attached discussions can stop this chemical from being released during sex.
Keep in mind that liking casual hookups and wanting to have one can be two different things. Even if a woman accepts casual hookup or a no strings attached relationship as men do, she is afraid to engage in one because it is close to impossible for her to avoid having feelings for the man she is having sex with, particularly if it is on a regular basis.
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