In the world we live on the internet has an effect on most of the things. It is the biggest marketplace, biggest library (offering all kinds of info you would need) and biggest place to communicate it. The social media has been on the rise for a past decade and with billion of users is surely the thing affects young people and teenagers the most. And with that, social networks like Instagram offer people to post their photos, have their followers and thus promote their lifestyle.
In the past few years, tons of Instagram stars have risen from all areas – from healthy lifestyle (like Jen Selter), fun and nothing else (Dan Bilzerian), as well as a lot of business people, motivational speakers (Prince Ea), and a lot of sportsmen. And of course, with them having millions of followers it is an excellent way for a brand to reach the target audience. There is no better way of advertising than through social media, especially if you are directing it to the group of people that is most likely to buy your product. And the studies suggest that regular ads interest people just around 33%, while people do believe the one influencers recommendation at around 90%, which is a huge difference.
If you are a big brand or a doing business in a certain area you would certainly want to promote your product, in the least time and cost possible, but with the best results. And although social media marketing is not free, it is sure to yield success when placed rightly.
First of all, you need to figure out who are the possible influence stars from your branch. You can go and swipe up through social media like Facebook and Instagram by yourself or hire an agency like an Influence Hunter that will do that for you. Once you found them, suggest them cooperation with the terms and conditions, and ask them how much they would charge. While they think your offer through, prepare what you will want to advertise, in what way and how will it be presented. Do you want that star wearing your product or simply posting a photo of it and saying that it is high-quality? Certainly, if you can get that person to come over for a photo-shoot would be the best, but that costs more so depending on your budget think it through. When created rightly even the most simple ad of product description posted by the right person can take the internet by the storm.
Remember, people don’t like going through a bunch of text or unimportant details, but would rather like to know why should they buy the thing you are offering (go straight to the point). The relationship you have with the influencer is the most important one – respect him, his fees, and you will be successful. On the other hand, if you somehow insult the influencer star know that it can turn around you by an anti-campaign. So know how and in what way to negotiate with your potential key to success.
Whether you have a renowned company or you are a regular guy starting his business and wanting to make your way through the competition social media marketing is the best option for advertising. Nothing can beat the power of the said (posted) word and the followers who are devotedly ready to believe it!
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