Though no one likes it, most of us experience some type of pain at least a few times a year. And yes it usually goes away soon after, depending on the type of problem, but while it is there, it is doing you no good. Most people feel affected by it in the way that they cannot sleep, exercise or do their regular daily routine without using some pain medications or homemade treatment. That is fine, and sometimes recommended, but we have to realize the risks of pain meds and be careful.
With the pharmaceutical industry growing there are hundreds of pain drugs that are there to aid you combating acute or chronic pain, and some are stronger than others. Still, there are the old school people who think there is nothing better than the homemade methods, and we kind of agree on that. It is important to be prepared, knowing the benefits and risks of any treatment before starting it, so let’s do that together!
Before addressing pain medications and comparing the pros and cons of the same, we wanted to talk a bit about alternative methods to combat pain. First of all, people love talking about the herbs and spices that have anti-inflammatory traits and thus help in pain relief. The most popular ones are turmeric (curcumin), hot peppers (with the pain-relieving capscaine), ginger and honey. All of these especially when combined have known anti-inflammatory effect and are very good for treating acute pain. Along with these, mild exercise can be pretty helpful although you are in discomfort – increased blood flow, and endorphins, oxytocin, and serotonin hormone release are all good when it comes to combating pain. Yoga seems to work the best here, as you are getting the extra stretch! At the end getting a professional massage or EM therapy is a good way as well if you are willing to open your wallet a bit. It is important to suggest that some researchers are in support of using CBD oil as a way to counter pain, but we will get to that in a second.
When it comes to pain relief most of the people go for OTC meds. And it is true, this helps especially when it comes to acute pain, and short-term results. Still, NSAIDs like aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen can cause side effects like kidney failure, blood coagulation problems as well as ulcers. So, although these are helpful with muscle ache and sprains, headaches or arthritis it is important to keep the dosage as recommended.
Unlike the OTC, you cannot get these unless you have a legal doctor’s prescription. And it is clear why – prescribed medications are much stronger and more addictive than the OTC ones. The frequent use of these can lead to overdose and even death, thus it is important to be extra careful when going through this type of treatment. Most of the prescribed meds contain opioids, with the most popular being hydrocodone, methadone, oxycodone and these are used when you undergo a serious surgical intervention or injury. The thing is that these cause a euphoric feeling that people might get used to, as it is conventionally pleasurable at the moment.
Marijuana has been used for millenniums and supporters claim that it is not responsible for even one death throughout its history. It is true that unlike drugs like cocaine or heroin, it does not cause physical addiction thus being safer to use, but there are cons as well. It has been proven that THC can cause anxiety and lethargy which can greatly affect one’s daily routine. For those that might not be too keen to take THC, we can definitely recommend hemp gummies that have a similar effect but this time delivery is done with CBD containing 0% THC.
CBD oil is said to be anti-inflammatory, thus being a good pain reliever. Its use has been legalized all over the world for the past few years. CBD oil supporters claim that it may reduce seizures, as well as aid people that suffer from Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s Disease. And while it is too early to successfully claim anything, there might be some truth to this. Until we find out, go with your own decision when it comes to this type of treatment.
We hope that through this article you will get at least a brief insight into the type of treatments, ways to combat pain and the risks of the same. Remember, if your pain seems to be chronic and persistent, go and visit your doctor as that is the best thing you can do for your health and yourself!
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