Girl Boss and SheEO’s may be cornering the market now, but independent escorts have been paving the way for female entrepreneurs for decades.
Few women enjoy the luxuries of being in total control of their business from the product to distribution. Independent escorts use no intermediaries when it comes to selling their wares. They don’t kowtow to board members, stockholders, or the self-obsessed patriarchy. They are 100% in control of their earnings and their expenditures.
Independent escorts have become more and more vocal in demanding better legislation and rights to be able to protect their business. When looking at the successful independent escort, it’s easy to see why. If you look at sex work from a purely financial and structural standpoint, you can easily make correlations between the way independent escort functions, and the way many high powered CEOs focus on running their businesses. The problem is that sex work is so stigmatized, few people realize how much value their entrepreneurial insights can offer. So what are some of the lessons in business that we should be celebrating instead of stigmatizing? Strap in.
Knowing what your potential clients are looking for, based on your area of operations, is paramount for creating a lucrative business of any kind. No one understands how to better promote unique assets to satisfy local demands than an independent escort.
With sex workers in certain countries being ostracized while others are glorified, this can create some pretty dicey operating conditions. Knowing when and how the law will protect you or persecute you is business 101. And independent Atasehir escorts, for the most part, have this pretty dialed in. Despite anti-obscenity laws or laws that make sex work illegal, sex workers all over the world have figured out how to run business lucratively, using loopholes or creative language.
Independent escorts have also found a way to use their sexuality as a selling point, as opposed to an exclusionary moniker. Moving to regions where specific proclivities, genders, or predilections are widespread, can afford independent escorts a large piece of a niche market. Adjusting your tactics based on demand in specific regions affords a business the notoriety of having a unique and highly sought after product. Which is an incredibly valuable and engaging business strategy.
Capital expenditure is something that few businesses understand in the way that an Independent escort does. “You gotta spend money to make money” is never more real than when your business solely relies on your appearance, experience, and digital marketing.
Maintenance spending is something that few businesses relish. However, spending money regularly on skincare, fitness, hair, nails, and clothes are all necessary investments when your work is based so heavily on your appearance. It doesn’t stop there, independent escorts also have to have a very nice apartments base of operations, that is incall friendly. They need to make sure that they are well versed on almost any topic that clients may be interested in; business, politics, philosophy, literature. Independent escorts also have to spend money on digital marketing: website design, professional photographers, ad campaigns, things of that nature.
An independent escort not only has to spend this capital, but they also must understand that this spending has to strike a balance with earnings. Which brings up an extremely complicated budgeting program. Any successful independent escort recognizes that their income is variant based on how many clients they are able to see, as well as how many clients are interested in seeing them. Keeping an incredibly close eye on a financial index, as well as being able to realistically balance a work-life schedule, gives many independent escorts a view of capital expenditure that major companies attend seminars for.
One of the smartest moves that can ever be made by an entrepreneur (or an investor) of any respect, is to build a product or service that will always be in demand. Whether or not the economy can really afford it. In some respects, the sex industry can be easily likened to the alcohol or cosmetic industries. What is found is that even during recessions, these industries among few others thrive, because they are what people look to for comfort during difficult times.
This is another brilliant realization that were able to latch onto early. Being able to provide a service that someone will turn to in difficult times means that revenue won’t dry up. Sex sells, and that’s just as true for a sex worker as in any other type of business.
An article published in November of 2017, aims to shed new light on the entrepreneurial pursuits of sex workers. Arguing that “such stigma is not warranted” and that “sex work can be conceptualized and theorized about as any other form of work.” Which is something that sex workers have been saying for some time, and something that the rest of the world would do well to stand up and recognize. Independent escorts not only possess real business savvy but provide a service that is and has always been, in demand. Sex work is no less legitimate than any other service industry position, and escorts could definitely expose insight on achieving success in the face of adversity.
Independent escorts are undoubtedly the original female entrepreneurs. They could teach us all a little something about the way we look at profitable business models as well as the way we categorize our own desires. So maybe it’s time we take a little closer look at who’s really on top.
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