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Which Color Button Would You Choose to Make a Positive Life Change?

Which Color Button Would You Choose To Make A Positive Life Change?

There is a reason that we constantly pick the right colors for our clothing, house decorations and so on. Those colors represent the condition in which our mind is. There has been a lot of color studies and examinations in the psychology field, and “Lüscher color test” is a brilliant test to aid you to see what is one person’s state of mind, goal and physical shape.

Here is an easy color test to help you to be in high spirit and to maybe make a positive change in your life if you need one.


If you go with the red color, that means you are willing to share and contribute a lot of things to the world. You are somebody who has a desire to be heard, seen and acknowledged. You are willing to give everything you have in order to have a better life, by being the best worker, the best partner, the best friend, and so on.


You have a positive believer, you look on life with joy and confidence. You have no fear of danger, and you take your chances with reason and affection. You know what you are capable of, and you use your skills to their fullest.


If you chose orange, it means you are somebody who takes joy in small things, like small successes. The thing that moves you forward is knowing that big things start with taking small steps. That is the reason why you concentrate on some small, specific aspect and you try to make it better than it is.


This shows your neverending battle between being free and secured at the same time. You are somebody who is always trying to keep yourself in a state of equilibrium, and somebody who is trying to maintain calm, which makes you a good friend, companion and partner. But, there is something you should keep in mind – trying to keep that harmony may lead you to lose sight of the things that are really important to you.


The faze you are finding yourself now is filled with good and pleasurable things, and you know it. You don’t take things for granted, and you are enjoying every little aspect of your life. But don’t forget to keep both feet on the ground, because getting down from the clouds might be too uncomfortable for you.


Purple color means you have achieved everything you ever wanted. This gives you that right amount of courage, determination, confidence, and belief in yourself to chase your ambitions and passions you have hidden in you for so long. You know what you are entitled to and you use this for your own gain even though you are a very affectionate person.


By picking the color blue, it means you picked balance. You understand the design of balance and you are aware of its importance in chasing goals. You very well know that getting that eternal balance is not possible, but you are giving all you have to maintain dignity, calmness, and grace in your life and in the lives of the people you care about.


Logic and sense is the best description. You have your both feet on the ground, and your head is clear. This might make you seem cold and remote, but people who really know you know just how much sensible and simple you are.